
by Kevin Yiu



1) It requires Root in order to function probably2) need to uncheck Auto Date & Time Setting in order to function probably3) it allows to adjust to speed up by changing the spinner box (1x= without change 10x= 1 second= 10 seconds 30x= 1 second= 30 seconds 60x = 1 second = 1 minutes 300x= 1 second= 5 minutes)4) manually add 1 hour / 1 day by pressing the button (+HR/+Day)If it is not support your phone or Install, setting , usage, any problem can reach me on E M A l L or send me a hangout am here to help***Please notice, in some devices (such as Xiaomi)more action is needed for the application to work.such as allowing "pop up window" and giving rootaccess through the security library***for supporting list please visit: